


LOTTE Advanced Materials publishes Sustainability Report 2017

June 2018

LOTTE Advanced Materials has published Sustainability Report 2017, the first report summing up the company’s sustainable management activities and achievements since the formal launch.

The first Sustainability Report of LOTTE Advanced Materials illustrates the company’s forward-looking vision to actively communicate with all the stakeholders through open channels and help create a sound and prosperous society as a trustworthy company.

This report has applies the corporate slogan of "Value + your imagination" to the cover title and design concept, illustrating its unwavering determination to develop innovative products and optimal solutions in a way that generates far greater value than customers expect. At the same time, the report outlines the company’s vision, corporate philosophy, business overview and financial information in a clear, easily understandable format.

In the report, LOTTE’s sustainable management achievements spanning a period from February 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017 are described and explained in four thematic sections: Corporate Governance(Ethics/Compliance Management), Creating Value+(Global business/R&D), Managing on Health, Safety and Environment and Building up Relationship(Sharing Management/Growth with partners/Social contribution).

These sections are designed to clearly present LOTTE Advanced Materials’ overall endeavor and achievements in connection with sustainable management.

“After joining LOTTE Group, we have set our goal of becoming the undisputed leader in the specialty material sector, and we are now making proactive investment based on a solid profit structure in a bid to achieve growth and become a stronger player with sustainable businesses,” said Lee Ja-hyung, CEO of LOTTE Advanced Materials. “We are fully committed to growing together with all our stakeholders and creating a happier future by generating unique economic, social and environmental values.”

LOTTE Advanced Materials plans to issue Sustainability Report every year as one of the company’s key communication channels, while making continued efforts to build and win trust by fulfilling its social responsibility.

* This report is prepared in accordance with the Core Option of the GRI(Global Reporting Initiative) Standards and reflected the indicators of external CSR evaluation agencies such as EcoVadis, RBA(new version of EICC) and ISO 26000, in our issue selection.



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